Jackie Zach

Jackie Zach

Jackie has a well-rounded professional background including management roles, financial positions and opening a highly successful retail store in Brookfield, WI in 2008 and became an ActionCOACH client in 2009. While many retailers were forced to close during the economic collapse, Jackie’s store thrived –a testament to her ability to own and operate a successful business. She sold her store in 2018 after a successful 10-year run. Loving what her coach helped her achieve, she wanted to help other business owners do the same.
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By Jackie Zach

When Business Partners Want Different Things

Most of the time when business partners split it is usually not pretty.  Partners wait too long to have the critical conversations around what each person wants causing hurt feelings and resentment. Our discussion is around how to have an amicable split of a partnership and still remain friends. In a partnership that you are thinking of dissolving?  Take advantage
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Breaking Through to the Next Level of You

If you want to breakthrough to the next level of you, it will require a break–UP, break WITH, break DOWN or break APART from people, ideas, systems, or any area of your business. The pace of personal development is also partly the pace of your comfort zone and what the new you feels like.  Are you stuck and want to
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Delegation vs Growth

Leadership is about results, but how do you lead your team to get them? Delegation is “I want you to do it my way.”  Growth is asking for the results you want and allowing others to do it their way as long as it is legal, ethical and moral. The point of delegation is to allow you and your business
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Point of Power

The point of power is now. Everything that happens to you is your responsibility. The first step to getting where you want to go can have challenges that causes you to be emotionally uncomfortable.  It has to be done to get to the next version of you. You can’t think your way through, you must feel it, do it, learn
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Creating Goals That Excite You

If you have trouble setting goals, you are not alone. The secret sauce is about really creating goals that excite us and make us passionate to go for it. Listen as we discuss our own shift in goal setting and how that has changed how we view our purpose and our goals.  Want to create goals that excite you?? Take advantage
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What is Business Coaching?

Ever wonder what business and executive coaching are all about? Listen as we discuss how business coaching is not about “need,” it is truly about wanting to be better and have a better business. It is all about getting out of our comfort zone to reach the goals we set for ourselves and our business.  Interested in learning more about
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The Gap and The Gain

Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan is the topic for this episode of the podcast. Most people spend most of their time in the gap. The gap sounds like, “I should have”, “It didn’t pay off”, etc. Beating ourselves up for the past and comparing ourselves to the goal we didn’t completely reach. The gain is “look at how
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Results vs Time

Results or time are the two things you can buy from your employees. Paying for time is like an admin assistant or receptionist job, paying for them to be there. It is subject to piling on tasks to make that time productive.   Paying for results looks like setting an objective to hit. It doesn’t matter how long it takes
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Effective Management Using a Management System

Use daily lists to prioritize tasks to get to weekly, monthly, quarterly goals. We start with this to see what our direct reports see as priorities. Mike and Jackie discuss daily lists and LION meetings (Last week, Issue, Opportunity, Next week) to manage company objectives and become a better manager.  Are you a manager or have managers that could benefit
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How Do I Manage People?

Most of the time no one teaches us how to manage and hold people accountable. Listen as Mike and Jackie discuss managing people with the knowledge they’ve learned over the years. Clarity and communication are key.    Do you or your managers need to learn how to manage? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your
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