Jackie Zach

Jackie Zach

Jackie has a well-rounded professional background including management roles, financial positions and opening a highly successful retail store in Brookfield, WI in 2008 and became an ActionCOACH client in 2009. While many retailers were forced to close during the economic collapse, Jackie’s store thrived –a testament to her ability to own and operate a successful business. She sold her store in 2018 after a successful 10-year run. Loving what her coach helped her achieve, she wanted to help other business owners do the same.
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By Jackie Zach

Where Are You Going? What is Your Plan?

What are we doing and where do we expect to end up? Goals are something you have to grow into. To create an executable plan, you have to take it one step at a time. Listen as Mike and Jackie discuss pointing your compass in the right direction and how to create a plan. Need some help figuring out where
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Chaos in the Streets

Do you feel like everyone in the US hates each other? Do you feel, based on what the media is projecting, that there are gunfights in all the streets? The media needs eyeballs to thrive and the chaos keeps people tuned in. It’s really about what you, your employees and your customers are experiencing. Does your reality match what the
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What Would a Great 2024 Look Like for Your Business?

It is now nearing the end of the year and 2024 is around the corner. What would make you say, “I had a great year personally and in my business?” One of the small challenges is to think back on what was your plan in 2023 and where did you end up? At the beginning of 2023, you had a
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Hiring is Marketing

Hiring people is a form of marketing. Marketing to hire employees is the same concept as targeting and marketing for clients. Why would someone want to work for your company? Why are you a great company? As an excellent candidate, why would they want to come to work for you? Want to learn more about marketing for employees? Take advantage
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Four Hour Hiring Process

The four-hour hiring process is a system where you can get to the right candidate more quickly. It is a series of steps that the candidate goes through to help you decide if they are a right fit or not for your organization. We use it and it is genius. Listen to Mike and Jackie discuss how this process works!
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Pick Up the Phone and Call

Email and texting are very safe places to hide. Whereas the benefits of picking up the phone will make you stand out in the crowd and quickly build a relationship with the person you’re calling. You don’t know what will happen until you actually speak to someone. So, pick up the phone and connect with them, human to human. Want
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Beliefs about Networking for Money

Some beliefs around networking for money that hold people back are “if I network for money, people won’t like me” or beliefs around “money is bad”.  How are your beliefs about money or beliefs about networking for money holding you back? Want to get rid of your negative beliefs around money and networking for money? Take advantage of a complimentary
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Up Your Game As a Business Owner

Lots of people think that being busy is better. In fact, thinking, strategizing, and contemplating feels like no action is being taken. The challenge is the pace of the improvement. Being busy shows lots of action, thinking is an exercise of patience and letting things play out. Listen as we discuss why thinking is an important part of your leadership
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Networking for Business

We don’t usually just network for the sake of it.  We usually want to something out of it, new clients, additional sales, referrals. Networking for money means that your networking script ends in something around, “How do we do business together?” Listen as Mike and Jackie explore how to network for business. Want to learn more about networking for money?
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Systems, Scale and People

The number one leverage for a business is people. In addition, growing a business successfully includes, systems like sales, daily opening, etc. scale and people. Are you successfully leveraging your business? If not and you’d like to take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/  Check out this episode!
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