Jackie has a well-rounded professional background including management roles, financial positions and opening a highly successful retail store in Brookfield, WI in 2008 and became an ActionCOACH client in 2009. While many retailers were forced to close during the economic collapse, Jackie’s store thrived –a testament to her ability to own and operate a successful business. She sold her store in 2018 after a successful 10-year run. Loving what her coach helped her achieve, she wanted to help other business owners do the same.
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By Jackie Zach
Need vs Want
Mike and Jackie discuss how the words “Need” vs “Want” affect our businesses. “Need” is all about running away from something. “Want” is going towards something. How can you use “want” language to work toward your goals? Listen for more examples and details between these two words that make a big difference in your business! Working towards goals and
16 Cylinders of a High Performance Team
The amount of power an engine creates is partly due to the number of cylinders working. Learn about the 16 cylinders of high-performance including body, mind, heart and soul. Why is this important for you AND your team? How can you use the 16 cylinders to create a championship team? Looking to create a championship team? Take advantage of a
Practical tips to move from doer to owner
What are the things you’re doing and which of those things can be delegated to someone else? What are the things you’re doing that are visible and that you enjoy doing? Looking at the things you’re doing and not doing will set you up to be able to run several companies and create wealth in less time. Listen to get
Business Owner vs Business Doer
Listen as Mike and Jackie continue the discussion of owners’ work vs doers’ work. An owners‘ work is invisible, and a doers‘ work is visible. Owners doing owners work make owners money. Doers make employee money. Which would you like to do? Do you want to do owners work or doers work and have trouble letting go? Take advantage of
Owners Work Mindset
Are you a business owner whose identity is wrapped up in doing the doing vs doing owners work? Do you want to spend more time doing owners’ work instead of being the lid to growth for your business? Listen as we discuss what being an owner is all about and how you can start thinking like owners do. Want to
Culture Point – Referral
Intentional collaboration and mindful execution are the powers of referrals. We are committed to openly referring others in our community to people we know. However, we are also focused on being open to referrals. Is it a focus for you and your company to give and receive referrals? Do you ask even for them? Listen as we discuss the importance
The Effect of “I KNOW” on Your Business
“I Know” are two small words that have a huge effect in your business. “I Know” shuts down learning and is a willful choice. There are so many opportunities that are missed when we say, “I Know”. What opportunities are you missing because you have chosen to stop learning because you “know” it? Do you think you’re an expert in
Culture Point – Abundance
Abundance is allowing the good things to come to you, such as money. How often are you and your team focused on scarcity? How often are you and your team focused on abundance? How can you use the idea of abundance in your business? Is it important enough to use it as a culture point in your own business? Listen
Culture Point – Consistency
Consistency can be boring, but it takes the guesswork out of what to do. If you want to grow, consistency and systems are highly valuable to your customer. Consistency helps your customers refer you to others as well. Relentless consistency is something your customers will come to rely on. Listen as we discuss other benefits of being consistent and how
Culture Point – Systems (Part 2)
The culture point about systems will be continued in this episode. Listen as we discuss systems for scalability. How can systems and scaling them affect the growth of your business? Not sure how to create a culture of systems in your business? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/ Check out