Jackie Zach
June 11, 2024
In today’s discussion on the Tough Love for Business podcast, Mike McKay and Jackie Zach dive into the concept of success through the lens of the formula “Be x Do = Have.” They explore how starting with who we need to be, rather than just focusing on what we want to have, shapes our actions and outcomes. By understanding this formula, listeners are encouraged to consider their identity and how it impacts their ability to achieve their goals.
The hosts also discuss the law of precession, which parallels how momentum creates effects in different directions, much like how our actions produce ripples based on our identity. They use the analogy of dropping pebbles versus boulders into water to illustrate the impact of our efforts. To make significant progress, they suggest upgrading our identity, values, beliefs, and skills to become the “big rock” that creates substantial waves.
Want to learn more about how to apply the formula for success? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/
Podcast Transcript
Mike McKay: Welcome to the Tough Love for Business podcast. My name is Mike McKay. I’m here with my lovely co-host, Jackie Zach. We’re beginning a journey discussing mindset. Right, Jackie?
Jackie Zach: Yes, today we’re talking about the formula for success: “Be x Do = Have,” and the ripple effect of that. So what does that mean? “Be x Do = Have.” Usually, we start with what we want to have, right? Then we think about what we need to do to get that. But we often forget to consider who we need to be in order to do the things we need to do to have what we want. So we need to consider the “Be” part, or our identity.
Mike: We’re going to explore this through the concept of the law of precession. You’ve heard us say it’s either gravity or it’s a belief. Gravity affects everyone, every time. Drop an apple, and it falls. The law of precession, like gravity, is always in place. It states that forces are created at right angles to momentum. Bicycling is a great example. When a bike is stationary, it’s hard to balance. But with forward momentum, it’s easier to balance because the law of precession operates at right angles to the direction of travel, keeping the bike upright.
Jackie: That makes sense.
Mike: Great. The law of precession helps us understand our impact in the world, particularly through the Be x Do = Have formula. Imagine a pebble dropped into a flat pond. It creates ripples that spread out horizontally. A bigger rock creates bigger ripples. The size of the ripple can represent the impact of our actions. Smaller pebbles create smaller ripples, while bigger rocks create larger ripples.
Jackie: So the smaller the pebble, the smaller the ripple, and the bigger the rock, the bigger the ripple and effect.
Mike: Right. To create significant results quickly, you want to make big ripples. In the Be x Do = Have formula, you’re the rock. You can be a small pebble, causing small effects, or a boulder, causing significant effects. We discussed the identity iceberg: identity, values, beliefs, and skills below the waterline, which shape what we see. This can be a map to create a bigger being. If you see yourself as only worth $50,000 a year, you’ll have beliefs and skills that support that. If you experience success beyond that, you might self-sabotage to align with your identity. This explains why lottery winners often go broke—they haven’t changed their mindset. The identity iceberg is a map for upgrading your identity, values, beliefs, and skills to create bigger impacts.
If you want big results, you need to be a big rock—have a big impact with your actions. This comes from upgrading your identity, values, beliefs, and skills. Visualize dropping a pebble versus a big rock into a lake. The big rock makes a big splash and creates significant waves. Similarly, boats make big waves quickly. This is how you can grow and become a person capable of achieving the results you want.
Jackie: Great, heavy stuff. If you want to discuss this further, click on the link below to schedule some time with us. Until next time, have a great day.