Expand Your Mindset to Get to Your Goals

Jackie Zach
July 29, 2024

Jackie Zach and Mike McKay dive into the concept of “Be x Do = Have” in this engaging episode of Tough Love for Business. They explore how expanding one’s mindset can transform their life, emphasizing that mindset encompasses identity, values, beliefs, and skills. Jackie and Mike introduce the idea that our actions, influenced by these foundational elements, determine the results we achieve. They highlight the importance of understanding and potentially shifting these underlying factors to reach new levels of success.

In their conversation, they touch on the iceberg analogy, where the visible actions are only a small part of the bigger picture shaped by unseen values and beliefs. Jackie and Mike leave listeners with a thought-provoking idea: you cannot surpass your self-imposed limits without addressing the core elements of your mindset.

Do you want to expand your mindset to get to your goals? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

Check out this episode!

Podcast Transcript

Jackie Zach: Welcome to the Tough Love for Business podcast. I’m your host, Jackie Zach, and I’m here with my co-host…

Mike McKay: The always lovely…

Jackie: Always lovely, Mike McKay. Yep. Today, we’re discussing the idea of “Be x Do = Have” and its ripple effects. So, what does that mean? Let’s start with mindset. How does expanding your mindset help you achieve the life you want?

Mike: Good question. Why do you think it’s about how you expand your mindset rather than stating you need to?

Jackie: For our listeners, it’s a new concept. They’re wondering, “What does it mean? What’s the first step? How do I start?”

Mike: Interesting. So, what do you believe mindset is?

Jackie: To me, mindset is what you say to yourself when you’re by yourself, about yourself.

Mike: That’s part of it. In the personal development world, that’s your identity, which is the core of who you are. But above identity, there are four things that rest on its foundation.

The first is your values. Values are like universal human desires. For instance, honesty is a value. It might mean something different in each family, but it generally means telling the truth. Everyone likes to think of themselves as honest, until they get pulled over by a cop and claim they weren’t speeding. Values can change in priority at different times in your life. For example, as a new parent, family values might be your top priority. Later, when your kids leave home, curiosity and adventure might take over, and you might travel the world.

Above values are your beliefs. Beliefs are things you hold to be true for yourself, and they’re only true because you decided they are. In the world of beliefs, there’s either gravity or a belief. Gravity is a natural law, true for everyone. But beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “money is the root of all evil” are personal. These beliefs are often formed between ages 0 and 18 and shape your mindset. They’re personal and vary widely.

So, your mindset consists of your identity, current values, beliefs, and the skills you’ve developed. Skills are tasks you’ve repeated until mastered. The last component is what you do—your actions. The formula for life success is “Be x Do = Have.” The person you are (your identity, values, beliefs, and skills) times your actions equals your results. If you want different results, you can either change your actions or who you are by working on those five areas.

We also say, “You can’t outdo your Be.” If you believe you’re worth $50,000 a year and start making $75,000, you’ll likely self-sabotage back to $50,000 because that’s what your belief supports.

So, let’s leave that here for people to ruminate on. Mindset is the collective assembly of your identity, values, beliefs, and skills, times your actions, which create your results. It can be changed, and we’ll discuss how to change it next time.

Jackie: Right, and it’s all encompassed in what we call the identity iceberg. These factors below the waterline affect your results.

Mike: We call it the iceberg because those four things are below the surface. I can’t see your identity, values, beliefs, or skills. I can only see your actions. But I judge you based on what I see, often falsely, because I compare it to my own values and beliefs. It’s a false comparison, but it happens.

Jackie: Excellent. So, this is the beginning of our mindset journey. Today, we talked about what mindset is. Next time, we’ll dive into “Be x Do = Have” and the ripple effect. Until then, have a great day!