Everything you ever need is within you

Jackie Zach
July 22, 2024

Join Mike McKay and Jackie Zach on today’s Tough Love for Business podcast as they explore the transformative concept that everything one needs is already within. Jackie discusses the notion that our true potential is hindered by self-limiting beliefs, such as feeling inadequate or not having enough. These beliefs are often formed from childhood experiences and can obscure our innate capabilities. The conversation emphasizes that these self-doubts are merely misconceptions, as our essence, created by the universe, is inherently perfect and powerful.

Mike and Jackie stress that accessing one’s full potential involves confronting and overcoming these deep-seated beliefs. They highlight the importance of changing one’s mindset to tap into the universal wisdom available to everyone. By recognizing and reframing limiting beliefs, individuals can unlock their true potential and achieve their desired future state. The episode concludes with a call to action to release these limitations and embrace the inherent power within to create the life one envisions.

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Check out this episode!

Podcast Transcript

Mike McKay: Welcome to the Tough Love for Business podcast. Today, Jackie Zach is going to blow your mind with a whole new version of “Be x Do = Have.” I’m here with my co-host, Jackie Zach. Today, we’re addressing the reality that everything you could ever need is already within you.

Jackie Zach: Hi. I know, it’s very heavy stuff, right? So, the sentence I see here is: what it becomes is already in me, which allows me to have what I want my future state to be. That’s pretty deep. But often, we do a lot of self-talk, or people do, saying things like “I’m not enough,” “I’m not smart enough,” or “I don’t have what it takes.” But that’s not true. It’s never true. Those are just beliefs we say to ourselves.

Mike: Exactly. Those are beliefs. We talk about beliefs a lot. They make up your “onion,” layer after layer. Our child mind tries to protect us from feeling worthless. But remember, your soul is pure. The universe created you, so you’re perfect in every way. The belief that you’re worthless is just something you bought from someone else. You’re perfect because you were created by the universe, and the universe doesn’t make mistakes.

Jackie: And keep in mind, you already have what you need.

Mike: 99% of success is just doing something.

Jackie: Exactly. And whatever you want your future state to be, you have the power to make it happen. It might require you to think differently, but that’s already in you as well.

Mike: It will require you to think differently and take charge of your mind. Your soul, your essence, has access to all the power of the universe. That’s one reason for meditation, to get your mind into delta waves and connect with the infinite wisdom of the universe. Books like “Think and Grow Rich” or “The Science of Getting Rich” discuss this higher power, which is available to all of us. But we’ve built walls of beliefs, often from our childhood, that hide our true selves.

Jackie: Right. If you think you’re not enough or don’t have enough within you, we can reassure you that you do. You just need to access it, learn from it, and release it.

Mike: Accessing it means dealing with your beliefs. It’s either gravity or a belief. When something happens at the age when we install a belief, we label it and carry it around. For example, Bruce labeled himself as “replaceable” when his sister was born. That belief affected his whole life. But he could choose to reframe it as his family growing and becoming more loving. His ability to be in a long-term relationship was always there, just wrapped up in that old belief.

Jackie: Right. We all have moments in our lives where we decide “This is who I am.”

Mike: Exactly. These are milestones when we change our identity. Zero to two, we’re dependent on our parents. Two to five, we start becoming independent. Seven, we go to school and gain a peer group. Early teens, we face peer pressure and identity challenges. These milestones shape our beliefs and identity. For example, if you do something embarrassing at school and get mocked, you might decide you’re worthless. But it’s just a belief you installed, not a reflection of your true self.

Jackie: So, always remember, you have everything you need to get what you want. It starts with getting rid of the limiting beliefs you’re carrying around.

Mike: That’s right. Have a great day, and tune in next time for more brilliant insights.

Jackie: Have a great day, everybody!