Strategic Planning: Your 2021 Budget January
Every day you run. You run your business, you run your team, you run your day. You run and run and run. Have you taken time to stop and breathe this year?
Do you even know what the finish line looks like anymore?
Join Executive Business Coach Bill Vinson for a complimentary group coaching session to stop and take a look at your landscape. We’ll be working through 2021 to look at where your business is and what it could become. Okay, yes this is his way of getting you to work on your budget, but if you just said to yourself, “I’m too busy to do that now” or “I’ll wait until later”… think about this… how many “laters” have to pass you by before you stop and look up? How much will it cost you, your team, your business to not come in to the year with a solid plan?
The answer to that will tell you if this message is for you.